2013美国大学生数学建模竞赛特等奖论文全集(10本pdf)-《Guest Editorial》等


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10_ Results of the 2013 Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling.pdf [4 MB]
11_ Saving the Green with the Greens.pdf [7 MB]
12_ Judges’ Commentary_ Modeling Earth’s Health.pdf [8 MB]

2013美国大学生数学建模竞赛特等奖论文全集(10本pdf)-《Guest Editorial》等

13_ My Story with the ICM.pdf [7 MB]
1_ Guest Editorial.pdf [5 MB]
2_ Editor’s Note.pdf [25 KB]
3_ Results of the 2013 Mathematical Contest in Modeling.pdf [479 KB]
4_ Applied Mathematicians Bake the Best Brownies_ The Ultimate Pan Design.pdf [9 MB]

5_ Judges’ Commentary_ The Ultimate Brownie Pan Papers.pdf [482 KB]
6_ My Decade with the MCM.pdf [6 MB]
7_ Sustainable Water Management for Saudi Arabia in 2025 and Beyond.pdf [12 MB]
8_ The Outstanding National Water Strategy Papers.pdf [333 KB]
9_ Judges’ Commentary_ The Frank Giordano Award for 2013.pdf [202 KB]

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